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About The Books

Boudicca and the Dicken

The book tells the story of how a broody hen fulfills her dream of motherhood albiet with a bit of underhanded help from the farmers who introduce a fertilised duck egg into her nest for her to hatch.

Duck Duck the Dicken’s Adventure to the Dam

The book tells the story of how a Duckling who has been raised as a chicken, discovers he has the natural ability to swim. It explores the role of a mothers love and protection against the need to acknowledge and allow the innate identity, skills and talents of her young one to blossom naturally. Even if they don’t conform to the parents projected dreams plans and expectations for them.

Duck Duck the Dicken Grows Out of the Nest

This children’s story follows Duck Duck as he adapts to life beyond the nest and takes his place as a young adult in the hen house. It acceptance of an individual’s innate skills, talents and diversity as they take their place in the world and community around them, beyond the safe confines of the family home.